Ctrl-U: Robust Conditional Image Generation
via Uncertainty-aware Reward Modeling

Guiyu Zhang1, Huan-ang Gao2, Zijian Jiang2, Hao Zhao2, Zhedong Zheng†1
1 Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Macau
2 Institute for AI Industry Research (AIR), Tsinghua University


Interpolate start reference image.

Given a test image and the layout condition, we employ a diffusion model to generate new images by adding noise and then recovering from the noisy input. (a) Ground-truth segmentation results with the category illustration. (b) Here we show the reward changes, \(\textit{i.e.}\), mIoU error, on newly generated images at different timesteps. The horizontal axis represents the current timestep \(t\) and the vertical axis shows the error, \( \textit{i.e.} \), 1-mIoU. As shown, even at \(t = 0\), there are non-zero mIoU errors. As \(t\) increases, although the visual layout aligns with the condition, the reward model tends to increase the error, leading to the backpropagation of incorrect gradients.


In this paper, we focus on the task of conditional image generation, where an image is synthesized according to user instructions. The critical challenge underpinning this task is ensuring both the fidelity of the generated images and their semantic alignment with the provided conditions. To tackle this issue, previous studies have employed supervised perceptual losses derived from pre-trained models, \( \textit{i.e.} \), reward models, to enforce alignment between the condition and the generated result. However, we observe one inherent shortcoming: considering the diversity of synthesized images, the reward model usually provides inaccurate feedback when encountering newly generated data, which can undermine the training process. To address this limitation, we propose an uncertainty-aware reward modeling, called Ctrl-U, including uncertainty estimation and uncertainty-aware regularization, designed to reduce the adverse effects of imprecise feedback from the reward model. Given the inherent cognitive uncertainty within reward models, even images generated under identical conditions often result in a relatively large discrepancy in reward loss. Inspired by the observation, we explicitly leverage such prediction variance as an uncertainty indicator. Based on the uncertainty estimation, we regularize the model training by adaptively rectifying the reward. In particular, rewards with lower uncertainty receive higher loss weights, while those with higher uncertainty are given reduced weights to allow for larger variability. The proposed uncertainty regularization facilitates reward fine-tuning through consistency construction. Extensive experiments validate the effectiveness of our methodology in improving the controllability and generation quality, as well as its scalability across diverse conditional scenarios, including segmentation mask, edge, and depth conditions.


Interpolate start reference image.

Overall pipeline for our proposed method. (a) Conditional Generation. Given text, source image \(x_0\), and the conditional control \(c\), we extract feature \(z_0\), \(f_t\), \(f_c\), respectively. Then, we fine-tune the Diffusion model to generate two intermediate features for the image decoder. (b) Uncertainty Learning. Given the two features, we decode the two images, \( \textit{i.e.} \), \(\hat{x}_0^1\) and \(\hat{x}_0^2\). Then we apply the reward model to obtain the two layout predictions \(\hat{c}_1\) and \(\hat{c}_2\). We leverage the prediction discrepancy as the uncertainty indicator to rectify the original reward loss.

Qualitative Results

Better Controllability and Generation Quality than Other Methods

Interpolate start reference image.

Qualitative comparisons with different conditional controls on unseen test images.

Quantitative Results

Better Controllability than Other Methods

Interpolate start reference image.

Controllability comparison under various conditional controls and datasets. \(\uparrow\) denotes higher result is better, while \(\downarrow\) indicates lower is better. '-' signifies the absence of a publicly available model for testing. The best result in each column is marked bold and the second is underlined. We generate four groups of png images and report their average result to reduce random errors.

Better Generation Quality than Other Methods

Interpolate start reference image.

FID (\(\downarrow\)) comparison under various conditional controls and datasets. '-' signifies the absence of a publicly available model for testing. The best result in each column is marked bold and the second is underlined. We generate four groups of png images and report their average result to reduce random errors.

More Visualization Results (GIF Demo)

Interpolate start reference image.

LineArt Edge

Line art image

Depth Map

Depth image

Hed Edge

HED image

Segmentation Map

Segmentation image


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        title={Ctrl-U: Robust Conditional Image Generation via Uncertainty-aware Reward Modeling},
        author={Zhang, Guiyu and Gao, Huan-ang and Jiang, Zijian and Zhao, Hao and Zheng, Zhedong},
        journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.11236},